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The Year of The Tiger

In the skin of the tiger, between its stripes, is hidden, indecipherable, the true name of God. In The Aleph and in many of his literary work, the Argentinian writer Jorge Luis Borges devoted himself to trying to decipher the mysterious cloak that covers them. Perhaps he knew (he knew everything) the opportunities and inclemencies of the Year of the Tiger.

The Tiger has in his claw the power to catch his hunt, to master something new, to transform his reality.

"Thus, 2022 will be a year that invites you to start things, which will resemble starting a new life. In the Tao of the Tiger, temperance is achieved —with the difficulty of taming a Tiger— in the harmonization of the two forces. In the skin of the Tiger is the figure: the yin is the black stripes like bars that imprison the gold that appears in the golden stripes. Without the containment of the yin jail, the gold would be lost in a spill. Without the gold of meaning, yin is only death." (*)

May this New Year of the Tiger bring us the courage to change towards what makes us happy, the strength to oppose what enslaves us, and the feline independence of those who advance with a firm claw. And that we can decipher, between its lines, what gives true meaning to our lives.

(*) Source: Gustavo Ng, for REA Magazine.

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